Amnesia 9
Amnesia - Issue 09 (1993-02-01)(Eclipse)(Disk 2 of 2).adf
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demo producing. For the swapping part
we at that moment have 2 BBS' in
Holland called:
NASA HEADQUARTERS (++31-1803-20437)
This is a fairly small BBS. It's not
Hello, this is CFI writing!!! meant to be a swapping center.
The Holland division of Eclipse was
originally formed about a year ago. THE WHITE HOUSE (++31-85-517247)
When we formed we were a three man The Eclipse Holland swapping center.
formation, but after the release of It currently supports only v32bis,
our first production we have expanded but it will soon be HST DS 16k8.
to 8 members currently.
SPY is also busy to get a new BBS in
These members are: the air that will called:
B/\ZZ - musics & graphics THE LAST SUNRISE
CFI - coding
ENIGMA - musics But that is enough of the swapping
MR. ZEN - graphics stuff for now. Let's talk about more
PRESIDENT - sysop interresting stuff. Let's talk about
SEVEN - graphics our newest creation. At the moment
SPY - graphics we're busy producing a new demo, the
TEAK - sysop,musics concepts of this demo were designed
by B/\ZZ, SPY, SEVEN and me, CFI.
We are mostly busy with swapping and now. In short the demo contains the
story of a robot that is a witness of demo. That means that we have chosen
a murder. During the demo the robot NOT to include dozens of technical
is going to find out who was the effects coz most of them are ugly and
killer and why he did it. At the end there are other coders that find it
the robot terminates the killer in a much more interesting to break yet
space fight. The demo will be in another record. We believe that you
suspense style to hopefully keep don't need high-tech code FX to make
people watching. That's all we're an excellent demo, and we'll try to
going to say about it coz it's too prove it to you...
early to say more.
As EYE WITNESS is going to take a
In this new demo that's going to be long time to produce, there will be a
called 'EYE WITNESS', you're going to chance that it's not going to be our
see loads of complex 3D vectors on next release. It's much more likely
animated backgrounds. The current that there will be a BBS intro
plans for the demo indicate that it's released at the moment that our
going to be BIG. We estimate that newest bbs, THE LAST SUNRISE, goes
we'll need at least 3-4 disks and we online.
hope that it can run on a 1 meg
system. One of the features of this As we now have bored you to death
demo is that its going to be harddisk with this stuff we'll call it an end.
installable. If you got any remarks contact us at
the following address.
EYE WITNESS is going to be a theme Over->
For questions/contacts write to:
Eclipse Holland
Postbus 11023
Please remember that it's only for
LEGAL stuff.
This is a very tired CFI signing
Article by : CFI/ECLIPSE NL
Clipart by : MOZ/ECLIPSE UK